Tanqueray No. Ten gin has unveiled a new bottle, along with a supporting campaign of bartender residencies across the globe.
The redesigned Tanqueray No. Ten bottle has a copper cap with a citrus grater texture. The light translucent green packaging holds a citrus press shaped glass structure at the base of the bottle. There is also a new “ten faceted” design and red wax seal.
In support of this new look, the gin brand has announced a season of bartender residencies worldwide. This kicks off with a hospitality experience designed by Tanqueray global brand partner Stanley Tucci, along with Ago Perrone, director of mixology at The Connaught Bar in London.
The residencies are designed to feature top bartending talent, which include Perrone, Giulia Cuccurullo from The Artesian, Keila Urzaiz de Calignon and Yoann Tarditi from Satan’s Whiskers, Matteo Di Ienno from Italy, Oisin Kelly from The Sidecar at The Westbury Hotel, Andy Ferreria from Cask in Cork, Emily Doherty from The Merchant Hotel Cocktail Bar in Northern Ireland, independent bartender Tiffanie Barriere from the USA and more.
The inaugural residency delves into the friendship between Perrone and Tucci, who collaborated on an experience at The Connaught Bar. The two first met when Tucci attended a “guest shift” at the bar.
“Cocktail making is a unique craft, that welcomes curious and inventive minds to push the boundaries of flavor and hospitality,” Stanley says. “I’m delighted to partner with Tanqueray No. Ten to celebrate bartenders as the true artists that they are, with cocktail residencies across the world. The new bottle is a beautiful homage to the brand’s heritage, craft and longstanding place in the world of bartending.”
Ago and Stanley made a cocktail named “The TENacious.” Meant to mimic the Italian summer, it contains the gin, dry vermouth, sweet vermouth and bitters. Illustrations by Stanley tell the story behind the drink, which will be feature on a limited-edition menu at The Connaught.
With the arrival of the new Tanqueray No. Ten bottle in the U.S. this summer, Tanqueray will also curate experiences in partnership with Tiffanie Barriere.
Tanqueray No. Ten is available to purchase at major retailers and independent stores, and on thebar.com.