The aptly named Party Can, a large-format, ready-to-drink Triple Spice Margarita, launched just in time for National Tequila Day July24. The l.75-liter canned concoction is made with 100% blue weber agave tequila, premium orange liqueur, fresh lime juice and a triple spice mix of real ginger, cinnamon and chili pepper.
The 12.5% ABV Party Can Margarita, which serves 12 drinks, was created by the folks behind e-commerce spirits platform Cocktail Courier. Priced at $29.99, Party Can is the first liquor brand to offer a 100% transactional website, which leverages Cocktail Courier’s 3-Tier solution software so consumers can buy product directly from the brand vs. a third-party site.
The large can format helps to limit contact between bartender and drinker, making it safer to share, the company says, plus it’s easy to transport for a socially distant picnic. And if your party doesn’t kill the whole can, it’s resealable so you can chill, shake and serve the rest at another time. Cheers to that!