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Weekend Lover

Course Drinks
Keyword Faccia Brutto Amaro Alpino, lemon, MSG, shochu, ube


  • 1 ¾ oz. Kura shochu
  • 1 oz. heaping Ube leche*
  • oz. Faccia Brutto Amaro Alpino
  • ½ oz. Lemon
  • 2 full droppers MSG tincture 10% by weight in 90% water
  • 2 full droppers Saline 20% by weight


  • Combine ingredients and shake with 4 ice cubes.
  • Dirty dump into brandy snifter.
  • Garnish with straw and torched mango leaf.


* For Ube leche:
2 qts. Water
2 qts. Sugar
1 qt. Sake kasu
1 can Unsweetened coconut milk
Blend for 1 minute until sugar and kasu are pulverized. Add ube concentrate until it’s the color of a McDonald’s grimace shake.
Kyle Davis, bar manager and cocktail curator at Brooklyn Kura, created this recipe.