International Spirits:
Hottest Drinks in Town
What’s the next hot spirit? Whatever it is, chances are it will come from outside the U.S.
Take, for instance, tequila. After years of its shoot-it-and-shiver reputation here, American consumers finally helped establish fine tequila as a first-class sipper worldwide. The slew of recent Cognac-and-juice entries, like the hyper-hot Hpnotiq, Alizé, Remy Red, Envy and others, may have been created with the U.S. market in mind, but they are based on spirits made elsewhere.
Nonino’s grappas are subtle but powerful.
The cocktail revolution is building categories and brands, and importers are searching for successful ways to sell spirits old and new. Recently, through the growing popularity of the Caipirinha, the Brazilian liquor made from unrefined sugarcane juice called cacha