If customers are warming up to the idea of blended drinks, it may be time to cool their thirst by adding more of them to the beverage menu.
Todd Griffith, a representative for SaniServe Manufacturing Corporation and a foodservice industry consultant, finds that blended drinks hold a magical spell over customers, who are more than willing to purchase Daiquiris and smoothies that cost the same or more than a premium cocktail.
At Fat Tuesdays 50 % of sales come from innovative blender drinks like the Cajun Eggnog Daiquiri and the 7&7 Daiquiri.
“Who would have ever known that you could sell a 12-ounce frozen cocktail costing only 40 cents for $5 a glass!” Griffin said. “A strange thing happens when you freeze a cocktail — you can charge more. The value perception of the drink increases dramatically.”
Restaurateurs and bar managers have caught on to the money-making opportunities in blended drinks, and it can work as an addition to the beverage menu or as the feature beverage.
Margaritas, Pi